Decentralized Financial Aggregator of Token Exchanges, Money Markets and Liquidity Protocols
Pavel Chernov

Founder & CEO of Continuum Finance, former technical head of CoinBase, is good at blockchain & DeFi project technical architecture. The technical director who was involved in the blockchain project of PayPal. Technical contributors to multiple DeFi projects such as Compound and Uniswap.

Tim Rohde

Continuum Finance Operations Manager, former President of IBM Blockchain Consulting Company, specializing in blockchain technology and strategy, sales and marketing strategy and analysis, early project operations of multiple DeFi agreements such as AAVE, focusing on DeFi projects Operations and marketing.

Edward Stefan

Continuum Finance Technology Group R&D, the global developer of Hyperledger, was responsible for the blockchain project at Microsoft. Proficient in the underlying technologies of Ethereum and Bitcoin, good at the development of smart contracts. Focus on providing full-cycle network solutions, cryptocurrency exchange systems, cryptocurrency trading robots and many other custom blockchain solutions.

Francois Gineste

Continuum Finance Technical Group R&D, once worked at Google and was responsible for core product research and development. With many years of successful research and development experience in the blockchain industry, he has developed original blockchain core algorithms such as GROESTL512 and KECCAK512.

Robert Downey

Bachelor of Economics from University of Chicago, USA, worked in Quantum Fund Group and served as senior management of Quantum Fund Company for nearly 4 years. The current position, Continuum Finance CO-Founder, is mainly responsible for project execution, project asset management, and strategic planning services.
EVM compatibility to easily deploy Ethereum dApps on Polkadot

Identity fee‑based schedule identifies frequent dApp users and rewards them with lower gas fees.

Unique incentive structure creates passive income streams for contract developers.

Investment agency